Frère! Voyez! (Massenet, Werther) 

Accompanist - Ian Tindale

Recorded with London Recording Days (Jan Capinski) on 4th June 2024

E pur cosi in un giorno... Piangero la sorte mia (Handel, Giulio Cesare)

Accompanist - Michal Gajzler

Recorded in the Stevenson Hall, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Ich bin die Christel von der Post (Zeller, Der Vogelhandler)

Pianist - Ian Tindale

Recorded with London Recording Days (Jan Capinski) on 4th June 2024

III. he kissed me... (From 3 Songs for Molly Bloom, Poeppel)

Piano - Luke Poeppel

Recorded in Kensaltown East Studios, NYC